Turbo Treyst (No Uniques)


Treyst is probably the most low to the ground aggro deck in the game, and has one of the strongest hero abilities to support it. The problem is, you need to play 5 cards from reserve before he has any hero ability. For this reason, our main goal is to spam low cost cards from reserve early, and then slow down slightly and use the value from hero ability to carry us over the finish line.

Our ideal game plan is to get 2 Haven, Bravos Bastion as early as possible, supported by 1 cost characters. Haven is by far our best card, and we will get the first 2 no matter what and play them as quickly as possible. To speed up our hero ability, we want to use Kelon Elemental, Ada Lovelace, Lyra Chronicler and all 3 of our 1-costs (Mechanic, Salvager, Stargazer) to activate our hero ability. Our best games will have our hero ability active on day 3, but I would guess the average is day 4. You really want to remember to use it every turn, it is a free card!

After we have hero ability active, we of course still want to make sure we get 2 Haven out, and then run the opponent over by chaining strong cards from reserve, such as Tinker Bell and Foundry Armorer. Our main power spikes are days 4, 5, 6, 7. Because of our low curve, we often become weaker than our opponent from day 8 and onward. For this reason, we want to try and double advance as much as possible, and win before or on day 8. This is often what happens in the games you win.

There are really no ideal uniques for this deck that you need to find, any cheap characters that have reserve synergies will work! Personally I love Athena with a reserve cost of 2, allowing you to play it every turn and keep more mana available.

Aggro Combo



Distribution des types de carte
Distribution des raretés
Rareté Nombre
Commune 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Probabilité de pioche
Type N'importe quand Main de départ
Format Est-il légal ? Notes
Standard Oui
Championnat ExAlts Oui
Draft Oui
Courbe de mana

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