My Collection

Beyond The Gates + Kickstarter Edition

Breakdown of owned cards by rarity

Owned Total Progress
Hero 0
Common 0
Rare 0
Unique1 0
Total 0

Chances to get a new card (not owned)

Chances Booster count Chances excluding uniques
Hero 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Common 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Rare 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Unique 12.50% 1 in 8 packs 0.00%
Total 100% 1 in 1 packs %

Chances to get a new card towards a complete playset (3 of each card or 1 unique)

Chances Booster count
Common 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Rare 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Unique1 12.50% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Total 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs

1 The count and chances of unique cards is considered by name. Therefore two different unique cards with the same name count as a single copy of it.
For example, a unique "Ganesha" in Muna and another one in Axiom only count as a single card towards the complete playset of unique cards.

Trial by Frost

Breakdown of owned cards by rarity

Owned Total Progress
Hero 0
Common 0
Rare 0
Unique1 0
Total 0

Chances to get a new card (not owned)

Chances Booster count Chances excluding uniques
Hero 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Common 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Rare 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs 100%
Unique 12.50% 1 in 8 packs 0.00%
Total 100% 1 in 1 packs %

Chances to get a new card towards a complete playset (3 of each card or 1 unique)

Chances Booster count
Common 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Rare 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Unique1 12.50% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs
Total 100% 1 in 1 packs0 in ∞ packs

1 The count and chances of unique cards is considered by name. Therefore two different unique cards with the same name count as a single copy of it.
For example, a unique "Ganesha" in Muna and another one in Axiom only count as a single card towards the complete playset of unique cards.