Nevenka Loop (No Uniques)

Quite a different take on Nevenka (at least from what I have seen). While looking through cards I noticed that Lyra has 3 cards that can all return a spell from reserve to hand: Hathor, Inkcaster and Flamel. They also have access to two powerful spells with a huge from hand discount: Magical Training and Off You Go!

When combined, you can repeatedly loop these under-costed spells by bouncing them back to hand. All In! Doesn't have any discount from hand, but it doesn't have fleeting either so it is also a decent target if you have nothing else.

Mostly just a deck trying to win with good numbers, no other major synergies outside of the loops mentioned above. Support that with good stats and Nevenka hero ability!

I did consider Fen, but I'm not sure you would get the loop off enough with her random draw/mana/resupplying.

Midrange Combo Disruption



Distribution des types de carte
Distribution des raretés
Rareté Nombre
Commune 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Probabilité de pioche
Type N'importe quand Main de départ
Format Est-il légal ? Notes
Standard Oui
Championnat ExAlts Oui
Draft Oui
Courbe de mana

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