Lindiwe Sacrifice


Use sacrifice effects to boost Maw token and win expeditions


Your deck will be comprised mostly of 2 halves, Sacrifice Cards and Sacrifice Targets.

Sacrifice Cards

These are cards that sacrifice (which will be referred to as sac) a character that proc Maw. As of the first main set, there are 6 cards we can choose:

The main important point is that we need to see and be able to see and use at least 1 of these cards every turn. Additionally, I put priority on playing Sacrifice Characters over any other type, as characters also provide their stat values as well as giving a boost to Maw. Unfortunately, Kraken is expensive and Anubis is hard to get all of his value from him, so I've decided to run the rare version of Kuwat, le Dissident and Le Kraken, with the Kraken at 2.

The other Sacrifice Cards I've decided to run at 2-3, favoring the common versions over the rare of Don de Soi and L'Isba de Baba. Drawing 2 cards is good enough for me, and while the cost reduction for Baba's Isba is nice, I'd rather use my rare slots for something else.

Sacrifice Targets

These will be cheap cards that you can play for 1-2 mana before sacking them for the Sacrifice cards. There are a lot of options you can choose from, so you don't need to worry about trying to get any specific one I chose to run.

Some I would suggest are:

  • Transporteur Ordis, gives you a consistent body for you to sac, for only 3 mana
  • Cadets Ordis, similar reason as the carrier, gives you a small body to sac and can be played twice. Thot is another option if you need a more impactful card.
  • Méduse Lunaire, prob the best sac target in the set, can be used twice and the rare can also draw you a card.
  • Alchimiste du Kadigir, a interesting card you can try, as he is a good card for stats from hand, and a good sac target from reserve. The rare is cool, but not needed imo.


You can run the classics spells like Portail de Bannissement and Zou ! for removal. Petit Pas, Bond de Géant is good for ending the game on your own terms. Baba Yaga and Alice are good cards to run as well.

That's it for this guide, lemme know your thoughts in the comments.

Midrange Combo Token



Distribution des types de carte
Distribution des raretés
Rareté Nombre
Commune 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Probabilité de pioche
Type N'importe quand Main de départ
Format Est-il légal ? Notes
Standard Oui
Championnat ExAlts Oui
Draft Oui
Courbe de mana

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Amazing description! 😍

  • 1
  • Il y a 1 semaine, 5 jours


Against waru unwinable

  • 1
  • Il y a 3 semaines, 1 jour


the problem i see is that anubis can be really good vs manu match ups but it's not good against the 2 of the 3 best heroes of the meta for the moment :(

  • 2
  • Il y a 3 semaines, 6 jours


@pumpkin Did you test it vs ordis ?

  • 0
  • Il y a 1 mois


Nice build, but so hard to play in early :( 3 anubis, 3 kuwat, 3 kraken, and 3 petit pas it's so much. Maybe we must to do a choice between play with creature or spell. But i love the concept

  • 5
  • Il y a 1 mois


Very nice build! I’ve been testing it over the past few days and it’s quite solid and fun to play! I would love you to add a description regarding the overall gameplan, the starting hand thoughts and the type of unique that could fit well onto this list! 😁

  • 5
  • Il y a 1 mois, 2 semaines