Helloween v3

The idea of the deck is simple, ressuply as much as you can and smash every turn with a huge aggro deck.

The star of the deck is Anansi, you want to exploit his ability everytime you could reach it.

Keep your reserve full for huge swings or use Amahle, Paria Asgarthi to refill your hand while you keep filling your board over and over.

Uniques you want:

-Being cheap to use

-Discard from reserve

-Anchor friends

-Arrow triggers with ressuply or boost for reserve.

Aggro Combo


Distribution des types de carte
Distribution des raretés
Rareté Nombre
Commune 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Nombre Total 39 (+ 1 héros)
Probabilité de pioche
Type N'importe quand Main de départ
Format Est-il légal ? Notes
Standard Oui
Championnat ExAlts Oui
Doubles Non This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Oui
Courbe de mana

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