Mayhem & Chaos 8.0

Created this deck with my wife to create mayhem and chaos via Muna (took 8 tries to make this feel cohesive and play worthy lol). Goal is to use Loki to disrupt any plans and to equalize any card advantage they may have gained. There are 5 cards to remove characters and permanents. Sabotage to remove any seasoned cards.

To play this, I typically try to build mana quickly to get to Loki or Hydracaena. Use Aloe Vera to resupply as much as you can. Use Axiom Scrambler wisely!!!



Distribution des types de carte
Distribution des raretés
Rareté Nombre
Commune 21
Rare 15
Unique 3
Nombre Total 39 (+ 1 héros)
Probabilité de pioche
Type N'importe quand Main de départ
Format Est-il légal ? Notes
Standard Oui
Championnat ExAlts Non Ce mode fonctionne de la même manière que le mode Standard mais remplace les 3 uniques par 3 rares supplémentaires.
Doubles Non This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Oui
Courbe de mana

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