🥳 Festival Midrange 🥳

September Update: after a bit of testing I decided to cut paper herald. My local meta has enough permanent removal to make the "all in" festival list a glass canon. I believe we can reasonably mix our strategies but we should reduce our number of low impact cards. Sleep and cocoon are thus our only interaction. Without sabotage Afanas remains a tricky matchup yet I don't see what I should cut to re include twinkle or Tanuki.

Turn 1 can be rough on the play vs ago. Knowing when to time sleep cards is the key to master the deck. Trying 1 hydra as an alternative wincon.

The gameplan is to drown the opponent with value by double/triple spelling early and using cheap interaction. Without 3 uniques that anchor I feel that festival is just not consistent enough so chase those.

The deck uses the reserve fully as extra ressources + to get our combo rolling. The idea is to compensate fen's drawback with selection to replay our best cards (hathor, inkcaster), cheating on mana for an early fragment or to race (twinkle, inkcaster, martingale, djinn) and drawing/resupplying more (shard, aloe).

Use sleep to gain time or steal some expeditions. It is great before a turn where you plan to play a permanent since you are already pretty likely to lose on both sides.

Kodama and Djinn are must include as rares according to me. Anchored is what we lack the most (chase anchoring uniques) and 2 mana sleepy body from hand is great to finish the combo. Djinn is simply one of the best cards in the set according to me.

Rare festival feels like a one turn kill plan that feels more clunky to me. Cards like cernunos belong in a non festival build I believe and tinker bell can just be a tanuki if we play Hathor and inkcaster.

I believe that fen shines when we can abuse the echo effect of our reserve cards. Shard is here to allow us to slam cards and discard without caring. It also lets us dig for the combo pieces.

Inkcaster is the glue of this deck: card quantity, quality and no reserve overload. Its balanced stats and reduced cost is a great upgrade vs the common. Echo is relevant for our permanent plays.

Commons watchlist: Tanuki Rare watchlist: Alice, good T1 and super relevant after you effect

Archive: V.0 - 18/07

Midrange Combo



Distribución por tipo
Distribución por rareza
Rareza Cantidad
Común 24
Rara 15
Única 0
Probabilidad de robar
Tipo En cualquier momento Mano inicial
Legalidad de formato
Formato ¿Es legal? Notas
Campeonato de ExAlts
Curva de maná

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I really like Hathor it lets me play my good cards more often. Tanuki is an auto include in non festival lists. Here idk cuts are rough. Tried 2 festival, seems fine.

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  • Hace 2 días, 16 horas


I also felt that 3 Festival is too many. I might try cutting down to 2 in favor of another synergy piece/wincon to make flipping into it/drawing it early feel less bad

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  • Hace 1 semana


For now, I’m swapping Hathor with 3 Tanuki: 1 Common, 1 Rare, and 1 Unique that has the Sandman Rare ability from hand and “-> If I control a landmark, Sabotage”

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  • Hace 1 semana, 1 día


Interesting thoughts. Also curious about your thoughts of Hathor. I playtested this list 1:1* (*I swapped a rare inkcaster with a unique inkcaster with anchor) last night and found Hathor to never feel great.

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  • Hace 1 semana, 1 día


But if you can't get that winrate by T5 you'll need card draw, interaction and the option to win without festival. With the current card pool in Lyra and removal available elsewhere I'm in to reduce variance at the price of a few turns.

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  • Hace 1 semana, 2 días


Build choice will influence the probability distribution of your combo win across turns. Earliest combo is turn3 and latest is never. Then you have an expectation/ variance tradeoff. If you can win by turn 5 ~80% of the time when you goldfish: combo might still be >with removals.

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  • Hace 1 semana, 2 días


Watchlist is cards that could find a home in the deck to improve some matchups. Super agro like sigismar token and tempo decks afanas can get us. Improving T1/2 and more interaction could help. But this would cost to the deck's coherence. Cards to cut also depend on your uniques.

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  • Hace 1 semana, 2 días


I'm curious to hear extended explanations on your watchlist cards as well as on your generalized thoughts between midrange and combo builds

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  • Hace 1 semana, 2 días


But I see your point on herald. I think that this calls for another round of tests. If afanas/basira continue to feel bad we can up training or add tanuki. Exact card counts will depend on the meta you expect to play against.

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 3 días


Makes sense with 0 sabotage they have a strong proactive plan that might get out of hands. To me inkcaster is the glue of the deck, stats that check tokens; card advantage and short term acceleration to get a strong turn. With uniques it gets better like Hathor.

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 3 días


I agree with you that Kodama and Jhin is compulsory. Jhin will give you more ressources to prepare your futur turn. Maybe Ouroboros is less useful than Herald. Because for 1 you have a fleeting body or for 0 you have a free body. will it be better 2 ouroboros and 3 Herald ?

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 4 días


I think against Yzmir (afanas) and Basira it's a little bit tricky. I didn't play against Axiom. But About Herald, it's a great body to prepare festival and can bait the ennemies (and win without festival). About unique as you advised, unique with Anchored is a must have.

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 4 días


Heu Zykkau thanks for the feed-back. I’m not sold on aloe verra yet but I wanted to share my doubts on shard. I also doubt herald a bit. How do you feel about the other rare slots? Do you feel that some match ups are particularly troublesome? Which unique are you looking for?

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 4 días


You can win in an other way than festival. and with shard you're less affected by sabotage

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 4 días


I think shard it's better than aloe because they can afford you multiple line of play. With all this valuable card thanks to Shard, I can bait my opponents while aloe verra can just afford you 1 condition from festival. With Shard, I am conviced that it's more consistent.

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  • Hace 2 semanas, 4 días