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Explore these lists to connect with others, get inspired, and see what's trending. Join the conversation and become a part of the vibrant community that powers our platform.

Join Our Discord Server!

We're excited to invite you to our official Discord server! Our server is designed to be a central hub for all things related to the platform. Whether you're here to stay updated with the latest releases, share your feedback, report any bugs, or submit feature requests, you'll find a place for it all here.

  • Release Announcements: Be the first to know about new features, updates, and improvements to the platform.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: Share your thoughts and ideas to help us make Altered TCG Builder even better.
  • Bug Reporting: Let us know if you encounter any issues or glitches, so we can address them promptly.
  • Feature Requests: Suggest new features or enhancements you'd like to see in future updates.

Click the below link to join, and we'll see you there! 🚀


User Engagement

Stay informed about our community's growth! Take a look at the latest user activity, including the number of new members who joined and the unique views to decks we received in the last seven days.

  • New Users in the Last Week: 282 out of 2427
  • Unique Views in the Last Week: 32532

Deck Building Highlights

Explore the latest content additions to our platform! Look at the numbers for the new public decks created and the imported cards added by users in the last week.

  • New Unique Cards in the Last Week: 209 out of 2186
  • New Public Decks in the Last Week: 474 out of 3767