Axiom Playset

all axiom cards x3 use it to generate all axiom proxies

it does not work, proxy genrator does not generate all cards



Name Faction
Treyst & Rossum Axiom


# Name Mana
3 Kelon Burst /
3 Kelon Burst /
3 Sticky Note Seals /
3 Open the Gates /
3 Kraken's Wrath /


# Name Mana
3 Brassbug Hub /
3 Brassbug Hub /
3 Axiom Reprocessor /
3 Axiom Reprocessor /
3 Kelonic Generator /
3 Kelonic Generator /
3 Brassbug Hive /
3 Brassbug Hive /
3 Haven, Bravos Bastion /
3 The Ouroboros, Lyra Bastion /


# Name Mana
3 Kelon Elemental /
3 Kelon Elemental /
3 Foundry Mechanic /
3 Foundry Mechanic /
3 Axiom Salvager /
3 Axiom Salvager /
3 Jian, Assembly Overseer /
3 Jian, Assembly Overseer /
3 Amelia Earhart /
3 Amelia Earhart /
3 Three Little Pigs /
3 Three Little Pigs /
3 Ada Lovelace /
3 Ada Lovelace /
3 Coppélia /
3 Coppélia /
3 Axiom Scrambler /
3 Axiom Scrambler /
3 Foundry Armorer /
3 Foundry Armorer /
3 Athena /
3 Athena /
3 Bravos Tracer /
3 Bravos Vanguard /
3 Haven Bouncer /
3 Ouroboros Inkcaster /
3 Lyra Chronicler /
3 Ouroboros Croupier /
3 Amahle, Asgarthan Outcast /
3 Inari /
3 Daughter of Yggdrasil /
3 Muna Druid /
3 Monolith Rune-Scribe /
3 The Frog Prince /
3 Jeanne d'Arc /
3 Moonlight Jellyfish /
3 Yzmir Stargazer /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 48
Rare 108
Unique 0
Total Count 156 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard No Exceeds the maximum RARE card count (15)
Exceeds the maximum card count for any given family (3)
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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