Robots are a Marmo's Best Friend

abilities. Looking at the available support abilities I decided to hone in on cost reduction over activating permanent arrow triggers. The most expensive long term value pay off to these ramp effects is Brassbug Hive. Brassbug Hive and 3 cost reduction support abilities in Martingale, Frog Prince and Ouroboros Croupier fill in 4 of our rare slots. to fill in the last slot, I opted for Kelonic Generator. half the cost reduction supports only hit landmarks and while this costs 4 to play, it costs 1 to draw so on turn 2 one support ability can allow you to draw from it on turn 2. 2 support abilities will let you make a token, play the landmark and draw on turn 2. For the commons, Fourndry Mechanic takes in the first slot with its cost reduction, then Amelia Earheart and Copellia for its synergy with hero, Foundry Armorer wroks too and give an extra robot, The Ogun to help boost up our consistent robots, Finally we add Boom, Kelon Burst, and Tinkerbell for some control tools.

Ogun is a very strong opening card as it can give you a 3/3/3 body in one expedition and a 2/1/1 body in another, then having it around again for a big boost the next turn too.

If you get Brassbug Hive and 2 cost reduction effects, on turn 1 you can play a cost reduction card and send one to reserve from the hero ability to play Brassbug Hive on turn 2 for 4 mana.



Name Faction
Subhash & Marmo Axiom


# Name Mana
3 Boom! /
3 Kelon Burst /


# Name Mana
3 Kelonic Generator /
3 Brassbug Hive /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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