All you need is gloves 🛷

Put on your skiing gear from the reserve to reach a safe haven.


Classical Treyst Haven oriented list.


Goal is to activate Treyst power as fast as possible while founding your Haven, Bravos Bastion.

Most of the cards you play are better while played from reserve so you can send them aggressively there as long as you don't have to discard them during rest since it doesn't count to activate your power.

Ada Lovelace, Axiom Salvager and Lyra Chronicler are key cards to keep your reserve stacked and can start a chain of sending to reserve.

Card like Lyra Chronicler and Foundry Mechanic can even been discard from reserve to get a counter without spending mana.

Late game is overflowing your opponent with low cost cards sent to reserve and then played with 1 or 2 Haven, Bravos Bastion set up to get a lot of value.

Starting hand

Obviously most of the time you keep maximum two Haven, Bravos Bastion if you found them in your opening hand.

Sending two cheap cards to your reserve early on is a huge step to be able to get Treyst online fast.

Ada Lovelace + Axiom Salvager or Amelia Earhart

Kelon Elemental + Axiom Salvager or Amelia Earhart


You want to look at Uniques that contain :

  • Your Characters have: I gain 1 boost

  • Draw a card

  • resupply

  • You may discard a card from your Reserve

  • You may put a card from your hand in Reserve

  • You may have target Character other than me lose Fleeting

EDIT : 15/09/2024 Removing Athena C for Dr. Frankenstein C, adding one more boom and changing the Bravos Vanguard R for one more Axiom Salvager R

Midrange Combo



Name Faction
Treyst & Rossum Axiom


Q Name Mana
3 Haven, Bravos Bastion /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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