A Fan Of Spells

Like my Axiom and Lyra explorations of cost reduction support I dove into the spell reduction supports in Yzmir. There are 2 commons and 2 more rares. Since it was spell focused I went with Afanas as the hero. Looking at the tools to benefit his boosting ability I really like the out of faction tools Muna Caregiver and Meditation Training for the anchored to maximize on the boosts. For the same reason I then added in Bravos Bladedancer and Red for seasoned. with 1 slot left I went for Helping Hand as a cheap spell that also helps those seasoned characters. I thought about using Kadigiran Mage Dancer as the last rare for the card draw but Mage Dancer is such a good common in this deck I opted not to. Filling out the rest of these commons I first went to spells. I grabbed card draw in Conjuring Seal and Magical Training to keep up with resources. I added Off You Go and Spycraft as some cheap control tools. having exhausted all the cheap spells and spell synergy cards I filled in Baba Yaga for the final common just to cycle to the more interesting cards in the deck.




Name Faction
Afanas & Senka Yzmir


Q Name Mana
3 Helping Hand /
3 Meditation Training /
3 Magical Training /
3 Off You Go! /
3 Spy Craft /
3 Conjuring Seal /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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