Fen and Crobar Leveraging Resupply

After exploring the cost reduction support abilities in axiom I decided to explore what Lyra has to offer. As per hero Fen and Crowbar is an obvious synergy for the support abilities. Lyra has a substantial number of cost reduction support abilities. Importantly it has 2 common cards with generic card reduction. There are 4 more cards with this support ability if we look at rares. Rares also opens up 2 cards with support abilities to make the next spell cheaper. Before we start filling every rare slot with cost reduction, lets look at what we want to ramp into. This form of ramp is a 1 time only deal so we better be putting out stuff with incredible value. The two best tools for delivering consistent value are Hydracaena and Aether Shard, both continuing to help every turn after. That eats up two of our rare slots. Before committing any more slots to more expensive pay offs, lets look at the available common. With this form of ramp the most consistent break point is playing a 5 cost on turn 2. It requires drawing and playing 1 cost reduction on turn 1. There are only 2-5 cost commons, Ahmale and Paint Prison, removal is nice so i want to slot it in anyway but paint prison can just discard the card for 2 cost reduction anyway. Amahle can grant value by turning a reserved card into a card in hand while putting out strong stats. Fen and Crowbar makes it easy to have discard fodder. While we think about removal we add in cloth cocoon, a great common tool in Lyra. Asmodeus doesn't feel worthwhile to ramp into as we dont run dice synergy and thats really it for commons to ramp into (Mind Apotheosis doesnt feel right). To fill in the commons I add Esmeralda for more resupply, Hathor as another good support ability, for the final common I threw in Anansi as we have a lot of resupply. Now for the remaining 3 rare slots, I'm feeling inclined to add more ramping tools than ramping payoffs because nothing else feels like it adds long term value the Hydracaena and Aether Shard. 2 of these 4 cost reduction cards cost 2 from hand and the other 2 cost 4 from hand. Throwing in the 2 costs feels right as we can set them up for a turn 2 play. Instead of adding another support ability ramp we can add in tradition ramp with Mighty Jinn. As far as rares to ramp into Asmodeus at 5 cost seems more reasonable as a consistent play but only having a 50-50 chance of extra value, I'm opting to go for more ramp.



Name Faction
Fen & Crowbar Lyra


# Name Mana
3 Twinkle Twinkle /
3 Cloth Cocoon /
3 Paint Prison /


# Name Mana
3 Aether Shard /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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