Fen Value (No Uniques)

Our main gameplan is to out-value the opponent and run them out of cards. It is okay to be 1 or 2 expeditions behind early if it means you are stripping cards from your opponent.

With Tinker Bell, Spy Craft, A Cappella Training and Cloth Cocoon we can reduce the number of cards our opponent has access to. With Aloe Vera, we can increase the number of cards we have access to. Aloe Vera is by far our best card, you always want it and need to prioritize keeping it in play. Re-anchor it with The Hatter or Kodama, and even sleep it with Twinkle Twinkle if needed.

Lyra Festival is an alternate wincon that does come up fairly often. We only play 1 since you often do not need it, but it is fine to play out and re-anchor Aloe Vera or give fleeting or sleep to an opponent's character, and then threaten it's affect all game. Sometimes opponents will throw removal at it thinking it is our primary gameplan.

I would cut the 3 Ouroboros Inkcasters for uniques, they are not very good at common and we don't have the space for the rares. Any uniques that have the discard from reserve to anchor effect are good. Or uniques that can further disrupt the opponent (give fleeting or sabotage).

Maybe Lyra Festival could be common and we go up to 3 Tinker Bell rares, but the rare is just SO much easier to get the effect off I am worried the common is too much of a downgrade.

Midrange Combo Ramp


Name Faction
Fen & Crowbar Lyra


# Name Mana
3 A Cappella Training /
3 Twinkle Twinkle /
3 Cloth Cocoon /
3 Spy Craft /


# Name Mana
2 Lyra Festival /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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