Open Bar Festival

This deck is hyper focused on using resupply to dig through your deck to find Lyra Festival and all the pieces needed to complete it. The name Open Bar felt appropriate for a party that's constantly resupplying.

This deck is broken down into consistency cards, combo cards, and control Cards some of which overlap.

First lets talk consistency. I chose to use Fen and Crowbar to dig through the deck faster and leverage the support abilities from the reserve. The cars that help us do that are Esmerelda, Lyra Navigator, Lyra Chronicler, and Aloe Vera. Lyra is a cheap common with Resupply. Navigator and Chronicler have Resupply as a support ability and are incredible efficient at thinning out the deck. Aloe Vera is or big engine chracter. Every time it stays out an extra day through asleep or anchored, you get to dig further into your deck with resupply.

Now lets talk about the combo itself. We need bodies with conditions and we want them all at once. Cheap ways to make bodies and attain these conditions are critical and I will call them the combo pieces. The first condition we need is fleeting. Cheap characters are an easy way to get fleeting, no need to add something like Lyra Cloth Dancer. We can also get a fleeting character buy giving a fleeting character either asleep or anchored the turn prior to the combo. Next we need anchored. The Hatter and Kodama both have the ability to give anchored with a support ability without the need to invest mana. Aloe Vera can give itself anchored but that is a rather heavy mana cost when we need so much all at once. Lastly we need asleep. Kodama is a cheap option from hand as it puts both a character out and gives it sleep for only 2 mana. Sandman can do so for 3 mana. Twinkle Twinkle only costs 2 and can be used from either the hand or the reserve but does not come with its own body. I keep re emphesising the importance of bodies and that's what cheap cards like Martengale and Paper Herald are for. They both have a cost of 1 in both hand and reserve. Paper Herald can make a body from the reserve for free with its support. Matrengale can make something cheaper with its support. Twinkle Twinkle has the same support ability so after you use it to give something sleep, you can discard it for a mana discount.

Finally the last section is control tools. Honestly I needed common cards to fill my deck and as there were no more common cards that supported this game plan I added Paint Prison and Cloth Cocoon.



Name Faction
Fen & Crowbar Lyra


# Name Mana
3 Twinkle Twinkle /
3 Cloth Cocoon /
3 Paint Prison /


# Name Mana
3 Lyra Festival /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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