A long Shen of character 🐉

When you dream of flying whales it's time to listen to your inner voice.


An attempt to build a robust Atsadi list.


Atsadi relies a lot on founding early your put in mana cards also known as ramp like Tiny Jinn, Mighty Jinn, Mana Channeling or Aja

You want to slow the game as much as possible to give you the time to ramp without sacrificing too much expeditions.

Try to trade 1 for 1 with your opponent in the early days but it's ok to lose sometimes 1 expedition or 2 while you ramp because you are suppose to put more pressure later in the game.

The decks include a bit of sabotage as an attempt to also slow down the game plan of your opponent.

Late game condition revolve around playing big bodies like Kaibara, Asgarthan Leviathan and Shenlong while being ahead in the mana curve against your opponent and having if possible The Spindle, Muna Bastion set up.

Starting hand

Any ramp in the starting hand is a blessing but it has to be tempered by not sacrificing too easily two expedition per turn.

Best is probably a combination of ramp cards and some early characters :

Tiny Jinn + Kitsune or Bravos Pathfinder

Mana Channeling + Ratatoskr

Mighty Jinn is a good card to keep early but sometimes it can be hard to found a good biomes combination to play it. You often want to first draw with it then play it from the reserve for the mana so you have to also think about potential sabotage which means playing it while your are second.

Be careful of sending away The Spindle, Muna Bastion and Kaibara, Asgarthan Leviathan as those cards can be key in specific match-up. Moreover you have only two copies and some of your ramp cards are putting the top card of your deck directly into mana.


You want to look at Uniques that contain :

  • Put the top card of your deck in your Mana zone

  • You may discard target Permanent/Character

  • I am Tough

Control Ramp


Name Faction
Atsadi & Surge Bravos


# Name Mana
3 Mana Channeling /
3 Mana Eruption /


# Name Mana
2 The Spindle, Muna Bastion /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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