This deck takes part in the ExAltered deck bulding contest.
The goal is to create a starter deck for the 12 heroes that don't have an official one yet. The idea is to have decks for all heroes so new players can easily discover the gimmicks of all of them.
This deck follows the same structure than the official starter decks that have exactly 40 cards (including 8 rares + the hero) :
5 rare cards that complete a series of 3 copies
1 rare card of the same faction that is the only copy of that card name in the deck, and 2 different Out Of Faction rares.
the rest of the cards are commons, and always in 3 copies.
The idea is to have five scrap counters as quickly as possible so that you can activate the power of Treyst & Rossum each afternoon. This will allow you to draw one more card in exchange for putting a card from your hand in reserve afterwards (not a problem because almost all cards in the deck are better when played from reserve).
Keep in mind that if you activate the effect of Coppélia during the afternoon, playing it for free will grant you a scrap counter. So, it works great with Kelon Elemental and Ada Lovelace.
Also keep in mind that discarding Foundry Mechanic for the related effect will grant you a scrap counter.
Cheap characters are also great to be played in the beginning of the game, so you will have more characters to play from your reserve the next day.
Dr. Frankenstein and Athena will help you a lot to win some expeditions in mid and late game. That’s why you should play some permanents when you can (Haven, Bravos Bastion is a must be played, it resupplies and gives a reserve effect to all your characters).
Having Kelon Elemental + Coppélia is a good way to start.
Haven, Bravos Bastion is a must keep. Really great with Kelon Elemental and Foundry Mechanic day 1.
The faster you resupply, the sooner you will be able to activate your hero power. All cards that resupplies in the beggining are really great.
Axiom Reprocessor can also work great with Foundry Mechanic or the rare Foundry Engineer because those characters allow you to play permanents cheaper while putting pressure on the board (meaning, maybe, not to lose 2 expeditions when setting up your permanents).
Name | Faction | |
Treyst & Rossum |
![]() |
# | Name | Mana | |
3 | Kelon Burst | / |
1 | Harvest | / |
# | Name | Mana | |
2 | Kelon Cylinder | / |
1 | Axiom Reprocessor | / |
1 | Kelon Cylinder | / |
3 | Brassbug Hive | / |
1 | Haven, Bravos Bastion | / |
# | Name | Mana | |
3 | Kelon Elemental | / |
2 | Foundry Engineer | / |
1 | Foundry Engineer | / |
2 | Foundry Mechanic | / |
1 | Foundry Mechanic | / |
3 | Tinker Bell | / |
3 | Ada Lovelace | / |
3 | Coppélia | / |
2 | Foundry Armorer | / |
1 | Foundry Armorer | / |
2 | Dr. Frankenstein | / |
1 | Dr. Frankenstein | / |
3 | Athena | / |
Rarity | Count |
Common | 31 |
Rare | 8 |
Unique | 0 |
Total Count | 39 (+ 1 hero) |
Type | Anytime | Initial hand |
Characters | ||
Spells | ||
Permanents |
Format | Is it legal? | Notes |
Standard | Yes | |
ExAlts Championship | Yes | |
Doubles | No | This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions. |
Draft | Yes |
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