With the Advent of TBF, I decided to showcase one of the brews I've been cooking in the form of Exhaust Lindiwe.
Exhaust is a new keyword that's present all across TBF, and Yzmir has gotten a lot of tools and payoffs to build an Exhaust focused strategy. Now you could use Akesha as the hero for this, but I believe Lindiwe offers some things that Akesha cannot.
Moth Larva, Pamola, Belasenka, and Rime Frost are all our tools to exhaust a card in Reserve. Pamola is a neat body to have, especially for a 3 stat for . Belasenka is also a nice body, tho both having a 0 stat can be annoying at times. Even though Blizzard does count as a way to exhaust a card, I treat it more of an AoE removal rather than something we want to use to trigger our Exhaust payoff
Our main payoff is The Nilam, Withered Tree, being able to generate a token whenever we do exhaust. This allows any of the Exhaust cards to play a 2/2/2 token anywhere we want it. Having just 2 Trees out threatens 4/4/4 in terms of stats, while committing barely anything to the turn. That's pretty much it outside of the effect of Exhaust, allowing you to prevent your opponent from playing anything good in the reserve for a turn.
What I'm referring to here as the "Sacrifice Package" is running Lindiwe as the hero and running Gift of Self and usually Boom!. There a few reasons why I'm running Lindiwer instead of Akesha, and one of them is access to Gift of Self. It's a pretty cheap draw spell by itself, but setting it up in Akesha is kinda hard to do on a consistent basis. In Lindiwe however, you can just summon Maw and sac him to get the draw 2, which for 50% of the time is a pretty good deal. Boom is also an option for a cheaper Banishing Gate 50% of the time, though we are not running it this time, because of a cool interaction between Amarok and Moonlight Jellyfish.
By playing Amarok first then Jellyfish in its expedition, you can mimic the Unique Jellyfish Loop to stack boosts onto Maw to win the expedition. Jellyfish works as a way to give 4 boosts to Maw w/o any other cards, but as long as you have mana you can put anything in the Amarok lane to give boosts to Maw. Even if you don't have the combo, just dropping Amarok as a cost body is good enough.
Name | Faction | |
Lindiwe & Maw |
![]() |
# | Name | Mana | |
3 | Rime Frost | / |
2 | Blizzard | / |
3 | Gift of Self | / |
3 | Off You Go! | / |
2 | Banishing Gate | / |
# | Name | Mana | |
3 | The Nilam, Withered Tree | / |
# | Name | Mana | |
3 | Amarok | / |
3 | Moth Larva | / |
3 | Pamola | / |
3 | Belasenka | / |
3 | Studious Disciple | / |
3 | Moonlight Jellyfish | / |
3 | Baba Yaga | / |
2 | Flamel | / |
Rarity | Count |
Common | 24 |
Rare | 15 |
Unique | 0 |
Total Count | 39 (+ 1 hero) |
Type | Anytime | Initial hand |
Characters | ||
Spells | ||
Permanents |
Format | Is it legal? | Notes |
Standard | Yes | |
ExAlts Championship | Yes | |
Doubles | No | This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions. |
Draft | Yes |
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cont.2 Usually getting 1 tree down is good enough, but if you see the opportunity to get a 2nd one down, do it. Continue to play hand in hand w/ the opp, trying to gather Amarok Jelly combo, but don't be afraid to use them preemptively. cont.
cont. 1 Gameplan: It's rather simple, you want to contest and win expeditions while using the Exhaust tools to slow your opponent down. Try to setup Withered Tree as soon as you see an opportunity, as later in the game you might not get the chance to do so. cont.
cont 3. The goal of the combo is to win a lane you otherwise wouldn't, you don't have to necessarily use it to win the game. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and ask. I hope you guys have fun trying out this list from me.