Gulrang's biggest dragon shade 🐲 [set 2]

This deck is featuring Gulrang with the Icebound Lake. Use it when you're behind to make epic comeback and put your Atlas to sleep for even bigger dragon shades!

Last change

04/02/2025 Issitoq is replacing Ozma. Great fit to play at your own pace + its reserve ability allows to draw if needed


This deck works well when behind or eventually tied (for Field Reinforcements). First turn is ideal to begin setting up or draw. if you're the second player, look if you can prevent any advance

You'll look for cards like Field Reinforcements, Chrysalis, Icebound Lake or Ordis Carrier that will help you in your gameplan.

Midgame (<8 mana)

This is the part of the game where you'll look to prevent your opponent from taking a significant advantage while not running out of ressources. This deck contains a lot of draw to make sure it doesn't happen. In this part of the game, you'll eventually trigger Icebound Lake. Try to do it with an Atlas so all your token will become gigantic, including your Dragon shade. And you'll keep your Atlas for next turn

Late game

Late game is the moment to send it all... without going overboard. Knowing the limite of your opponent aswell as yours is key. Keep also in mind that some cards will work better if you play from behind. Play smart and get rewarded.


Best bet are token creators but those can be expensive. In this list, I did what the limitation of my collections, but I believe they will be good enough -_-



Name Faction
Gulrang & Tocsin Ordis


# Name Mana
3 Field Reinforcements /
3 Teamwork Training /


# Name Mana
3 Icebound Lake /
3 Ordis Carrier /
3 Mobile Armory /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 21
Rare 15
Unique 3
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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As I'm playing rare field reinforcmenets and the Icebound lake, I prefer trying to work from behind. But in a different setup it could totally work! And I believe rare sunisa us mandatory as she's able to put stats in both expeditions.

  • 0
  • 2 weeks, 1 day ago


Would you consider upgrading "Mobile Armory" to rare in exchange for downgrading "Sunisa"? This way you could fit 6 cards (instead of 3) that allow you to ignore the *defender* keyword. wdyt?

  • 0
  • 2 weeks, 2 days ago