Rush Rush Subhash!

Still figuring this out.

Current Struggles - Ordis Sigismar (that's about it)

Next set should have a good way to deal with him with like avalanche.

Please, do comment any tips or ideas u have on techs or future cards that could be used (also prior or current cards)

Cards to test

  • Rare Gibil (Could be interesting, potential of 6c for 6/6/6+2x3/3/3 or 5/5/5+2x4/4/4 depending on current permanents (could be late game or tiebreak finisher)
  • Common/Rare Avalanche. I will be putting in avalanche to try to deal with sigismar, not to mention it would have the possibility of a full board wipe for Auraq and any other unfortunate enough to play a board full of 4/5<earth stat cards
  • Rare OoF Skadi. Replacing Tinkerbell with Skadi (need 3 rare slots tho) Skadi is straight up just an upgrade, not to mention it's a turn 1 play with Subhash ability, in addition to winning against 1 lane against sigismar token (great value)
  • Technical boots. uhhhhh yeah we'll see about this, it seems interesting tho, being able to force a strong push with subhash ability, potentially with a coppelia from last turn and then have one of them lose fleeting, i see some hope here.
Midrange Combo Token


Name Faction
Subhash & Marmo Axiom


# Name Mana
2 Hooked /
3 Kelon Burst /
3 Sticky Note Seals /


# Name Mana
2 Brassbug Hive /
3 Haven, Bravos Bastion /
2 Brassbug Hub /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 25
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 40 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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good contender for current and future meta

  • 2
  • 4 weeks, 1 day ago