Akesha control prototype

First try to build an Akesha deck with a control gameplay and magical style.

Ideally and in a near future the deck will contain less different characters, but with more copies of each. I built the deck with what I has and i planned to update after some playtests and the next seasons of Altered.

Update 01.18.25 : Ok, played a few games and many things to change !

  • The kraken, is almost impossible to play, you need to have 2 characters on expeditions and seven mana remaining. With low characters sure it's possible on theory, but these guys don't last long in a game with their possibility to reduce the spells cost. I think it's more useful to have another permanent like the Ordis Carrier or the Grand Endeavor to make them more stable and recurrent.

  • The Aether Shard, don't know what to do with that, pretty useful but cost a lot and when you play it you can do much this turn, it's risky...

  • Gift of self, I never use it, it's just here for mana.

  • Need to have one more Studious Disciple, A rare Dorothy Gale, another Tooth Fairy and I'm currently waiting an Unique Lady of the Lake (I love her design and she's easy to play and work around her).
    For me to have more of these boys I need to remove the Bravos Bladedancer, Ordis Trooper and maybe the Ordis Cadets (but the -1 mana cost for spell is good, don't know for this card), Alice too because I already use her in a Lyra build and I don't like to use the sames characters on different decks

Good surprises ! : Magical training, it cost just one and can save your ass or just complete a turn when you have one remaining mana. Flamel is absolutely outstanding, love it ! Issitoq, at first i was not sure what it would be worth, his ability is very good but six to play and four on every stats, your opponent can easely make more on his expedition and counter it. But we don't play this good boy directly, let your opponent end his turn and just after PAF on his lowest expedition, Akesha is perfect for that with her After You ! You are not going to play Issitoq every game, but i'm sure he can make the difference when played nicely and with a good tactic !

And this is it for this Update !

Combo Disruption


Name Faction
Akesha & Taru Yzmir


# Name Mana
1 Gift of Self /
1 Off You Go! /
1 Off You Go! /
2 Spy Craft /
1 Spy Craft /
2 Small Step, Giant Leap /
2 Magical Training /
2 Banishing Gate /
1 Small Step, Giant Leap /
2 Kraken's Wrath /


# Name Mana
1 Ordis Carrier /
1 Grand Endeavor /
1 Aether Shard /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 25
Rare 14
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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