Demeter & Sakarabru go Gigantic🍫[Set 2 Atsadi]

This deck features a list that should be competitive for Atsadi in Trial By Frost. This is the evolution of this deck. This list will be updated gradually during Set 2 depending on the evolution of the meta

Last changes

07/02/25 : Down to 2 The Council and added a single The Magic Sleigh

09/02/25 : Removed The Council. Was an excellent card but needed more draw. Haven Seiringar added. single Mana Flare added for surprise factor and sometimes stability.


This deck features Eat Me Energy Bars and various other cards that will utilize it to its full potential. The general goal will be to stabilize the early game and ramp when possible. You’ll eventually win by having access to bigger creatures than your opponent. Atsadi ensures that you won’t run out of gas in the long run and helps you find the best options.


A good chunk of the deck is made up of characters/spells/expedition permanents that are playable on turn 1. You should be able to consistently find a 1-cost + 2-cost or a 3-cost to begin the game with. Depending on the matchup, you’ll look for stats or ramp.

For any matchup where you’ll want stats, Fire Rabbit + any 2-cost is probably the way to go. For any matchup where you’ll want to ramp, Tiny Jinn is central. It pairs well with Mana Channeling if you really want to accelerate your gameplay. It is possible to play Eat Me Energy Bars on turn 1 if you have a 4-cost in hand that will make up for it.

How to Play

As discussed in the Mulligan section, depending on your matchup, you’ll want to stabilize or accelerate your early game. For any matchup, the midgame will be ideal to ramp even further with cards like Mighty Jinn or even with your uniques. The goal is really to put stats on the board and prepare yourself for bigger turns that your opponent won’t be able to handle. If you’re not the first player, setting up a Eat Me Energy Bars is amazing and will give you a lot of options for the remainder of that turn and possibly for the next turn too. This will help you achieve amazing turns with Demeter and Sakarabru. If you can’t find any Eat Me Energy Bars, don’t panic! It’s not necessary to find one to win. As your top curve is around 14–15 mana, you’ll usually have way more stats than your opponent anyway.

Midrange Ramp


Name Faction
Atsadi & Surge Bravos


# Name Mana
1 Mana Flare /
3 Mana Channeling /
3 Mana Eruption /


# Name Mana
3 Eat Me Energy Bars /
1 The Magic Sleigh /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 21
Rare 15
Unique 3
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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