Atsadi as intended

The deck

I've had a lot of success with this deck on BGA. It revolves around a pretty bold and unintuitive strategy, but one that actually works:

  • Ramp in early, conceding expeditions
  • Accumulate value in midgame
  • Win in late using tempo plays

First 2 turns

You want to play rare mana channelling as soon as turn 2. That means you need to ramp on turn 1. Two options:

  • Tiny Djinn and either helping hand, chiron or physical training.
  • Twinkle twinkle, to use the support ability and cast channelling turn 2. That works especially well if you go second on turn 1. The character will wake up on turn two, but if you play a mana chanelling, you were going to concede both expeditions anyways. Unfortunately, this is the only card that has this ability in bravos. It's a very good card in late game so we're happy to play it but let's hope there are more in the next expansion (maybe even at common?)


KEEP RAMPING. Don't hesitate to cast channelling again. You want to either ramp like crazy, or ramp a little and mitigate enemy advance. The more you ramp, the easier it is to control the opponent in late game. Though the more you defend expeditions, the more leeway you have.

Late game

In the late game, you will use Sakarabru and Kaibara to slowly but inevitably advance, helped with cheap tempo spells like twinkle twinkle and intimidate. Most often the opponent will loss with many card in hand. But thanks to Atsadi, you will have the gas to match up their resources. You win at that game because you have way more mana. For you, a Sakarabru played from reserve is an after you. With four-stats.


There are two types of uniques you want in the deck: those that ramp, especially good if they have the stats to defend an expedition. Not necessarily advance, but at least deter/prevent the opponent from doing so. And uniques that can be played on turn 1 with a discount support ability such as the one found on Twinkle twinkle, to increase the chances of playing channelling on turn 2. Good luck!

Control Ramp


Name Faction
Atsadi & Surge Bravos


# Name Mana
3 Helping Hand /
2 Physical Training /
3 Mana Channeling /
3 Intimidation /
3 Mana Eruption /
3 Twinkle Twinkle /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 23
Rare 15
Unique 1
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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