
The concept

This is a slightly different approach on the conventional Teija decks who use plant synergies. it is built around The Monolith, Ordis Bastion and maximizes the value of boosts, using Teija's strong ability for consistency.


The deck is very aggressive and means to put out characters who are big and cheap. The Monolith ensures all characters we play are boosted, and we use that via:

  • Anchored characters
  • Cheap characters with asymmetrical stats
  • Other specific payoffs

Cards choice

The Monolith is the cornerstone of the deck. Put it out as soon as possible, it will always be worth it. Whether to deploy a second one or not depends on the situation: matchup, card advantage, tempo...

Anchored plants makes the boosts more valuable : Spindle Harvesters, Sneezer shroom, Dracaena, Aloe Vera.

Lyra Thespian is the beefy one. If you start your turn with a boosted character (that was anchored the turn before), he self enables thanks to Teija. If you have a Monolith, he self enables with another character. Putting a 5 or 6-stats at the start of the Afternoon for 2 mana is incredibly powerful, even more than dropping it with your last manas: He threatens an expedition, making the opponent work to contest it all the while making you able to adapt to what the opponent answers.

Yong-Su has the same role. We have enough plants so that he has great chances of being enabled, and we play the rare over the common for the same reasons as the Thespian. When he comes out as a 5 or 6-stats, an additional stat doesn't make much a difference but we greatly enjoy the discount.

Muna Caregiver and Mowgli are cheap creatures with 0 stats, which is compensated by boosts. Don't hesitate to play Caregiver from reserve. With a Monolith, it might make the difference sooner rather than later, which is what we want in the deck, though the anchoring support ability isn't something to ignore entirely.

Ordis Gatekeeper and Nurture are the alternatives sources of boosts, and help the deck remain consistent if you don't find any Monolith.

The Spindle and Beauty Sleep are flex spots.


I don't have a lot of uniques but I'm happy with uniques that draw cards. If you don't have any, you might struggle with card advantage: add the rare Spindle Harvesters and they'll do the job along with the Aloe Veras.

Obviously, uniques which trigger off of boosts are excellent choices here.



Name Faction
Teija & Nauraa Muna


# Name Mana
3 Nurture /
2 Beauty Sleep /


# Name Mana
1 The Spindle, Muna Bastion /
3 The Monolith, Ordis Bastion /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 21
Rare 15
Unique 3
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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