Akesha’s Trick


A tight and relatively simple Akesha & Taru deck, focusing on board presence and some “tricks” (hence the name) granted by Hathor, Studious, Skald and Flamel interactions.

You can easily play days and regain some card advantage by avoiding mana since you can have pretty light hands.

The deck manages to get double lanes with unexpected Skald or Hathor, since they are 2-mana drops with solid stats.

MODS from the first version:

• I used to play a single Conjuring Seal / Kraken’s Wrath for those opponent slow days to get some steam back. I ditched it atm because both solutions gave me a worst return than more board presence.

• It’s more tempo-aggressive now, ditching Alice and a few techies for more punch. build now is a bit more “techy” (less 3x) but more “tricky” (you can play 2 small steps in a row and with proper runs, it’s all about your opponent drawing “sabotage” cards or it’s game over.

• I planned this deck some time before getting my hands on the Lyra cards: the original version was more akin to the Zig Zag control; this is more a midrange deck in disguise.

• Add Uniques at tastes.

• Added Sakarabru and Baku. Baku is a killer card here, since while it’s not a card you really need on day 1-2, it’s a solid “removal” emphasising some early card advantage.

• removed Lady of the Lake, added rare Magical Training.

• Note that the perceived simplicity of the deck shouldn’t fool you: it’s not “that” easy to play. It has structure and consistency, but you really need to be flexible. You need to play spell heavy days mid game and maybe get a surprise lane with a low cost drop. Don’t underestimate the importance of your reserve.

Removals are not as strong as Fairies and Sleep against certain opponents, such as Axiom and Ordis builds: in those cases, you have enough body to block double advancements and stall the game; don’t attempt to go “card for card” unless you know what you are doing.

Small step x3 is a must, just because this deck can get lanes pretty fast if the opponent underestimates it and treats it like a “standard” control deck, so you really can close the deal with a double Small Step (one discounted at 5 mana and another one the subsequent round). It’s another way to push when your opponents just goes with a bit landmark.

Midrange Combo


Name Faction
Akesha & Taru Yzmir


# Name Mana
1 Magical Training /
2 Magical Training /
3 Off You Go! /
3 Banishing Gate /
3 Small Step, Giant Leap /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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