Lyra [PRINT]

The entire Lyra set to print




# Name Mana
3 Tinker Bell /
3 Dr. Frankenstein /
3 Bravos Pathfinder /
3 Kappa /
3 Mighty Jinn /
3 Shenlong /
3 Tomoe Gozen /
3 Kaibara, Asgarthan Leviathan /
3 Martengale /
3 Martengale /
3 Lyra Thespian /
3 Lyra Thespian /
3 Ouroboros Trickster /
3 Ouroboros Trickster /
3 Hathor /
3 Hathor /
3 Lyra Skald /
3 Lyra Skald /
3 Tanuki /
3 Tanuki /
3 Ouroboros Inkcaster /
3 Ouroboros Inkcaster /
3 Esmeralda /
3 Esmeralda /
3 Lyra Navigator /
3 Lyra Navigator /
3 Anansi /
3 Anansi /
3 Lyra Cloth Dancer /
3 Lyra Cloth Dancer /
3 The Sandman /
3 The Sandman /
3 Lyra Chronicler /
3 Lyra Chronicler /
3 Ouroboros Croupier /
3 Ouroboros Croupier /
3 The Hatter /
3 The Hatter /
3 Amahle, Asgarthan Outcast /
3 Amahle, Asgarthan Outcast /
3 Asmodeus /
3 Asmodeus /
3 Loki /
3 Loki /
3 Kodama /
3 Yong-Su, Verdant Weaver /
3 Cernunnos /
3 Aloe Vera /
3 Coniferal Coneman /
3 Hydracaena /
3 Paper Herald /
3 Robin Hood /
3 Studious Disciple /
3 Kadigiran Mage-Dancer /
3 Alice /
3 Flamel /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 81
Rare 162
Unique 0
Total Count 243 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard No Exceeds the maximum RARE card count (15)
Exceeds the maximum card count for any given family (3)
ExAlts Championship No This mode works the same as Standard but replaces the 3 uniques with 3 extra rares.
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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