Anchor Time


The strategy to win the game is simple: anchor the characters during each turn and leverage the various boosts or resupplies (see Aloe Vera or Dracaena). The early game is really strong, so you need to push hard from the first turns, trying to win as many expeditions as possible, even if this means your hand might end up empty!

Starting Hand

Bountiful Meadow is probably one of the best cards to start with; for 2 mana, it gives us an advantage for the entire game by discounting our plants. At the same time, Spindle Harvesters is one of the best 1-drop cards in the archetype and easily combos with the various boost cards in the deck, so with just 3 mana, we can almost certainly win an expedition on both the first and second day.

Common Mistakes

It can happen that in your starting hand you have cards that synergize perfectly for the first 2-3 turns but lack answers for the opponent's threats. This is a mistake to absolutely avoid, and you should always keep at least one removal card(Mana Reaping , Mana Eruption ) in hand, especially against combo or control/permanents matchups!

Unique :

  • Draw a card ( cuz we haven't nothing to take card advantage

  • Unique that trigger when a character take boost

  • Unique that give boosters to our anchored cards

In general, any unique card that frees up rare slots for us is convenient, so unique cards that replace rares are a godsend. Of course, the uniques we introduce shouldn't be significantly weaker than the rares we're removing, as often the unique versions require specific situations to activate the same effects as the rare versions, unnecessarily complicating the deck.



Name Faction
Teija & Nauraa Muna


# Name Mana
1 Mana Eruption /
2 Meditation Training /
3 Mana Reaping /
2 Nurture /
2 Physical Training /
2 Beauty Sleep /


# Name Mana
3 Bountiful Meadow /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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I don't have 3 aloe vera is it that important?

  • 0
  • 4 months, 2 weeks ago