🌳Festival of Resilience🌳

Arjun removes the main problem of Lyra Festival: anchored characters. But we have less card-advantage to get our combo compared to fen so we must include many draw/resupply effects. Some removal heavy match ups make the combo almost impossible. I'm not into the glass canon festival strategy so we'll need good three drops as uniques to threaten our opponent. Then a high density of 1/2 drops to "your go" the op + get cheap fleeting + pick our anchored target late.

With Arjun we should still have a character on board at the beginning of each turn. Sleep is a great way to win even without festival. Kitsune, Esmeralda and harvest are top targets to bin to Arjun.

GO Quetzacoatl + Kitsune/Daughter for extra spice.

At least one additional sleep effect on a unique would be good to improve the consistency of the festival win. Even if we're not all in: it must remain a credible threat even if we played our kodamas early. I don't like the rare Coppelia since we don't have many discard from hand options in muna.

17/08 trying Luka merchant instead of aloe verra

Midrange Combo


Name Faction
Arjun & Spike Muna


# Name Mana
3 Beauty Sleep /
3 Harvest /


# Name Mana
3 Lyra Festival /


Card Type Distribution
Rarity distribution
Rarity Count
Common 24
Rare 15
Unique 0
Total Count 39 (+ 1 hero)
Probability of drawing
Type Anytime Initial hand
Format legality
Format Is it legal? Notes
Standard Yes
ExAlts Championship Yes
Doubles No This mode works the same as Standard but requires the use of two different factions.
Draft Yes
Mana curve

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As a rare? It could work out since it can get anchored. But we would need some adjustments to make the condition easier to meat. Right now I like quetza that has a good floor and a great sailing with our deck and the Meta.

  • 0
  • 4 months, 4 weeks ago


I was just wondering if a Verdantback would be nice in that deck, to slow down the game a bit... I think the longer the game goes, the higher the chances are to pull it off.

  • 0
  • 5 months ago