🛠Robot Mastery 🛠

UPDATE 30/08: Regarding commons I did - 2 Training -1 Ganesh +3 Kellon Burst to deal with other haven decks. Removed Frog Prince to add 2 Frankenstein and 1 Kelon Cylinder. This is to increase the permanent count and test Franky a bit more. I believe the 2 mana from reserve makes a big increase. Would like to get more cost reduction on permanents though. That could me something to look for on uniques.

More general discussion: Permanents + Coppélia + Kelon = We were able to downgrade Ada to common. Ogun Rare: I read this as gun common + bravos tracer if you want. We love card advantage right? Jammer: We must play some sabotage to avoid losing to Basira/afanas. Idk if the rare is worth it without boom. I feel like with Franky we're good now but depending on the meta tinker bell might be need. Mechanical training: Don't know how to evaluate the card yet, I need to play more.

New version of subash adapted to the post exalts meta: waru, treyst and pile of stats decks (haven/Adanas decks). We add more sabotage and a high end to the curve by playing more permanents. This lets us play training, ganesh and Frankenstein for more activations but also rely on Ada and Athena for card advantage. We max of robots to make the most of subash + hive.

We have 6 echo effects to accelerate hive. Permanents are « free » discard to subash. The deck is a tough mix of cards we want to discard and cards we really don’t.

I have another more « agressive » version of subash based of big creatures instead of permanents: https://altered.ajordat.com/fr/decks/1154/

Midrange Token



Rarität Zählung
Gewöhnlich 24
Selten 15
Einzigartig 0
Wahrscheinlichkeit der Zeichnung
Typ Jederzeit Starthand
Bleibende Karte
Format Ist es legal? Notizen
Standard Ja
ExAlts-Meisterschaft Ja
Draft Ja

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Rare Ada is a great card but with 9 permanents we already have decent chances to trigger the card draw. The 1 extra in mountain is also significant. Ogun is equivalent to 6/5/5 extra stats for 4. Which is +3 compared to daughter of Ygg. Stats + flexibility vs more draws on averag

  • 0
  • 3 Tage, 15 Stunden her


Is it not better to exchange ogun and ada lovelace ? (common ogun and rare ada lovelace). For me Ogun rare is to expensive. Can you explain me the point ?

  • 0
  • 5 Tage, 9 Stunden her