🧚Lyra Good Stuff 1 - acceleration🧚

V.0. This is a good stuff pile, we are happy to « trade » one for one with the opponent since Fen generates more value. The core of the deck is the cernunos/Anansi/Jinn package. I like asmodeus as a baby shenlong for our top end.

Update 23/08: removed Kodama that feels terrible when you'r low on ressources. Water is a bit of a problem with Hathor/djinn/martengale -> Tomoe and Aloe.

Update 26/08: since we play djinn and have some mana acceleration i want to try and increase or high end with hydra instead of tinker bell. I’ll build a second lyra deck that plays more around the anchored 3 drops and interaction idea.

Update 30/08 - I add 3 twinkle, acceleration and sleep is exactly what we want. Not sure about the top end.

Midrange Disruption Ramp



RaritÀt ZÀhlung
Gewöhnlich 24
Selten 15
Einzigartig 0
Wahrscheinlichkeit der Zeichnung
Typ Jederzeit Starthand
Bleibende Karte
Format Ist es legal? Notizen
Standard Ja
ExAlts-Meisterschaft Ja
Draft Ja

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Definitely an interesting strategy for the pair as Teija can hit hard and fast!

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Thanks for the insights! My partner intended to play Teija. Maybe disrupting the opponents and going for the run with Muna would be a valid strategy?

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Your question is trickier than it seems. I haven’t played any 2v2 yet but the addition of another track allows advanced support strategy. Plus we need to look into replacements. Short (likely to be wrong) answer: tinker bell if you race, tomoe otherwise. Add sleep/Esmeralda.

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Hi Ajordat! The rare Anansi is sure to shine in 2v2 that’s a great idea. I believe the rare you remove will depend on your partner’s hero and the game plan. For ex: Axiom for better sabotage, Yzmir to remove threats and Muna to anchor/boost. And do both player go for the race?

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Hi! I was thinking about playing 2v2 and I was thinking that rare Anansi would be more effective there. What rares would you consider removing in that case?

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