Akesha Control [no uniques]


The goal is to control the game by setting yourself up for the long game while hampering your opponent chances to do the same.


There's a lot to think about here, so I'll try to condense it into different categories.

Card Draw

One of the best ways to have control of the game is to just have more resources than your opp. This can be done in 2 different ways, card draw being one of them. Baba Jaga is a great card for this task, as it provides a good body along with its draw. Other cards to consider are Zaubertraining, and Beschwörungssiegel.


The other way to have control of the game is to force your opp to lose resources, either from hand or reserve. Note, what I'm calling a resource is any card in hand, reserve, or landmark area that provides a beneficial effect when used, or in the case of permanents, when they can activate their effect for a beneficial use. For this purpose, cards like Zahnfee and Spionage that Sabotage are quite good as the remove half a card's value. Baku is also very good as it removes an entire card's value from your opp's hand and Verbannungstor is good at removing problem permanents.


Simply put, these are cards that deal with the threats that are currently on board. While Discard targets future problem cards, Removal targets characters or permanents that are causing a problem for your gameplan on that turn. Ab mit dir! is good for getting rid of cheap bodies, and Verbannungstor does double duty for being a good Removal card as well. Other considerations are Dorothy Gale, and Zorn des Kraken.


This is a hard one to describe, but to sum it up, having control of the tempo grants you control of the gamestate, and if wielded properly can set your opp up to lose resources. "After You" is great for doing this, as it can force your opp to commit more before you play your discard/removal effects to screw them over. Our Hero is the main source of this, but Alice provides another source of it if needed. One cost cards are also useful for this, as they don't reveal to your opp entirely what you plan on doing. Eifriger Schüler is a good example of this, and can also discount the next spell you play.

Long Game Rewards

cont. in comments

Control Disruption



Rarität Zählung
Gewöhnlich 24
Selten 15
Einzigartig 0
Wahrscheinlichkeit der Zeichnung
Typ Jederzeit Starthand
Bleibende Karte
Format Ist es legal? Notizen
Standard Ja
ExAlts-Meisterschaft Ja
Draft Ja

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cont.2 Hopefully this guide helps you, as I've hit the character limit twice just trying to write this. There's still more I want to say, but for now I'll leave it here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a great day-

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  • 1 Tag, 4 Stunden her


cont.1 In most games, just being able to do the above will win the game. But against certain decks, you need a payoff for dragging the game out long. Grand Endeavor is a great option and big bodies such as Sakarabru provide a large amount of stats to help win the game.

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  • 1 Tag, 4 Stunden her


Is it normal that most of the description doesn't apply to the list below ?

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  • 3 Tage, 16 Stunden her