⚖️ Anubis' Endeavor Control⚖️

This is a first draft of a control build that exploits Sigismar’s ability. The main wincon is grand endeavor but we have more board presence compared to an Izmir build. Tokens can be used to generate value through sacrifice but are also here to force our opponent to divide their forces. Then celebration day and issitoq can lock their « winning » side. Anubis and sandman can play a similar punisher role. Isba is here to gain time since the timing of our expensive plays is key. Archivist in sort of an insurance vs aggro . Toth and spy are here to create tokens and interact a bit with the opponent.

Update 17/08

Removed toth and downgraded spy to add third isba, gift and sandman. Spy common is still really good and I felt like we add enough tokens. Toth was a big investment that didn’t accomplish much. Also moved from three cadets to 1 cadet 1 recruit 1 frog because I’m not sure what we prefer. Frog is good at defense, recruit is à your go and cadet is a good sacrifice outlet. Regarding the rares, transforming Sogismar into a better Akesha is just awesome: loved isba. Gift of self felt good but I’m still wondering wether a card draw/resupply rare would be better. I really like to time my permanent plays right after a sandman turn. Sabotage, draw and sleep uniques are at the top of my search list right now.

Update 28/08

Thanks for all the likes on the deck. I’m sorry to let you know that Celebration Day might have to be removed from Celebration control. At least, it felt bad in my local meta. You can replace it with a mix of removals. Upgrading one to rare and adding some removals by reducing the number of cards that felt clunky in some match ups.

I’m working on a list that plays the rare endeavor.

Pre release update 12/09

My meta calls for less sabotage and more board impact. Here is my latest list. Old one is saved as an archive in my deck lists. Also added some uniques I don't own.

Control Disruption



Rarität Zählung
Gewöhnlich 21
Selten 15
Einzigartig 3
Wahrscheinlichkeit der Zeichnung
Typ Jederzeit Starthand
Bleibende Karte
Format Ist es legal? Notizen
Standard Ja
ExAlts-Meisterschaft Nein Dieser Modus funktioniert genauso wie Standard, ersetzt aber die 3 Unikate durch 3 zusätzliche Rares.
Draft Ja

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Like your deckstyle! I' thinking in going with a swarm build. https://altered.ajordat.com/en/decks/9174/

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  • 2 Wochen her


I believe i have the card in an old gulrang list. I also thought of aggro sigismar as à Preconstructed upgrade, i feel like monolith is too expensive there. If you have a midrange list with monolith I would be interested in seeing it and reading your feedback on the card! Cheers

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  • 2 Wochen, 1 Tag her


Hi Lokrei, foundry mech works well with permanents indeed but we already have quite a few. Our late game is strong and the current card pool is not maximizing tokens. We’d need many changes to make it work - it would be a different deck. Imo the card is better in Gulrang.

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  • 2 Wochen, 1 Tag her


did you think about monolith with foundy mechanich?

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  • 2 Wochen, 1 Tag her


Hey, I agree with you on Gulrang being more controlish. Yet, with her power I'd rater not sacrifice my tokens but create more boost with Monolith as well. I have 2 unrefined Gulrang lists on my profile. Would be happy to read your feedback!

  • 0
  • 3 Wochen her


Hello, i was thinking that Gulrang could be a better hero for a control deck, much more with the sacrifice pool of cards. Have you thought about it before ?

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  • 3 Wochen, 1 Tag her